<aside> <img src="/icons/send-to_gray.svg" alt="/icons/send-to_gray.svg" width="40px" /> CHIP T32 trainees are expected to attend a combination of quantitative and biological training that aggregates to approximately one-two hours per week per 30-week year (30-60 hours total.) This could include attending weekly seminar events or auditing a course that complements their research as determined by their mentorship committee. Ideally, CHIP T32 trainees will structure their learning to include 50% quantitative and 50% biological topics.



Biological and Clinical Seminars

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Science Seminar Series

Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds

Pediatric Cardiology Grand Rounds

Engineering Seminars

ICME lecture series links

HAI Weekly Seminar

AIMI Bi-Weekly Research Seminars

Fluid Mechanics Seminar Series