<aside> 📌 Participation in an MCAT Prep course is administered by our program, but is not an official part of the CVI Summer Research Program. Any time devoted to test prep should occur outside of the hours students have committed to the program.


We were be able to provide a limited number of Kaplan MCAT test prep courses to our undergraduate students. Students could register their interest in receiving the test prep course in Onboarding Form 2.

Course Materials

Students typically get access to their online resources within 3 business days and receive physical books in 5-7 business days of their course start date, with the exception of students enrolled in classes starting after mid-August when new book editions are released. Students with course dates later than mid-August will have their books shipped in late August or early September.

Postponing Course Start Date

Pick a start from here that completes before June 1st 2024 and email [email protected] know the course code found at the bottom of the page under "Online Course Details". To our knowledge, there is no limit to the number of times you can postpone your course.

Freezing Course

Email Kaplan customer support and they will pause your enrollment. You can pick up again where you left off when you're ready. You can 'freeze' your enrollment for up to 12 months. You should call Kaplan customer service to request a ‘freeze’ to your account.

Free Extension

"All requests for extensions must be submitted within 60 days of the expiration date of the student's online resources. If the extension is granted, the student is eligible for a maximum of 12 additional weeks of access."

We have to submit the extension on your behalf, so please contact [email protected] if you wish to extend your course.

Free Repeat

You can also get a free repeat of the course within the next year, but again, the request needs to be submitted within 60 days of the expiration of your online resources and CVI has to submit the request on your behalf. Please contact [email protected] if you wish to repeat your course.