All students will complete the following training and Stanford policy agreements prior to program start:
- General Safety, Injury Prevention (IIPP), and Emergency Preparedness (EHS-4200)
- Ergonomics - Computer Workstation (EHS-PROG-3400)
- Harassment Prevention Training for Non-Supervisory Employees, Academic Staff, Postdocs and Contingent Employees (2024) (SHP-2024)
- Life Science Safety Training Program (EHS-PROG-4875)
- Bloodborne Pathogens (EHS-PROG-1600)
- HIPAA Privacy for Researchers (CLIN-2021)
- HIPAA/Protecting Patient Privacy 2024 (PRIV-2024)
- If student has a Full SUNet ID: CITI Training (Group 7, for Medical Research Investigators and Staff)
- Release of Claims and Hold Harmless Agreement
- SU-18 Patent and Copyright Agreement for Personnel at Stanford
📌 Additional lab-specific training is the responsibility of the student's mentors or lab group.
How to Access Training on STARS
Go to and login with your SUNet ID (e.g. alm04.)
Click on "STARS" on the top menu bar.
Search for the relevant course , e.g. EHS-4200, EHS-PROG-3400, or SHP-2022.
Enroll in and launch the online training module for the relevant course.
Note: STARS will not be accessible until 12-48 hours after your SUNet ID has been activated.